Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Project 3: Polyhedral Structures (Phase B)

With this project I decided to give in to the Gargoyle. I had enough research from the previous projects that I just needed to sketch out a rough idea and then fit in the polyhedrals. After some quick sketches I began with a bristol paper body, which was mostly just a box. I added a wing to see if the size was appropriate. Then I broke out the card-stock and models and started construction.
The second hardest part was deciding what shapes to use. This required me to understand the functions of the pieces and then to take a cubist view of the body parts. I gave the arm sections six sides to make them rounder, I gave the gargoyle squared pecks to pay tribute to impersonate armor of the middle ages. Each body part was created with a polyhedral and then assembled together. The final structure had folded wings to keep the weight down and only the top half of the body because getting the legs to look like a squatting gargoyle didn't work. They kept making it look like a bent frog.
Overall, in order to make this sculpture, I had to get an idea of how the smaller shapes fit together to represent the intended idea.

1 comment:

  1. Once again, I sincerely appreciate your commitment to the projects.
    Both pieces are outstanding at both, conceptual and aesthetical levels.

    I find your research and writing quite interesting as well as the mask project connection to your writing projects from another class. Wish the frog story were posted here as well!

    Just a note, masks are used as ritual elements, artifacts of disguise, transformation, veiling... but not necessarily meant to be ugly faces..

    I look forward to see black-card' and found objects' gargoyles talking face to face.

